Nathan Strange

Nathan Strange


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Falmouth, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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About Me

I was born in a dingey in the middle of the ocean. One day I was washed upon shore on the Shetland Island in Scotland.
However because I was born in a dingey (and we wasn't exactly sure which ocean), we had to declare the dingey a country. So this made me Dingenese.
My parents were both Dingenese too because they had always lived in a dingey through out their lives. Also in case you ask, yes I do have a Dingenese passport!!! And yes the language is Dingish!

A while back I took an interest in literature, it started off with self-help books because I felt depressed. Then I got bored with the authors telling me what I should be and how I could be happy one-hundred percent of the time. I found out it was ONE BIG LIE! So I picked up books like MY LEFT FOOT, THE GREAT GATSBY, ANNE FRANK'S DIARY, BOOKS BY CHARLES BUKOWSKI, HENRY MILLER, HUNTER S. THOMPSON, JACK KEROUAC and many others. I read them and became like them... I began to think like each of them, and this is kind of the outcome...

I took to writing because I wanted to express myself...


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Posted 12 Years Ago

RIP Nathan Strange. I so miss you and your stories. You are an inspiration. Thanks for the chance to chat and read your outrageous and entertaining tales. I truly enjoyed your friendship.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Nathan ~ if you are out there, somewhere happy, and at peace, no I am thinking of you ~ I am devastated by the news today ~ and wish you peace my friend, and your words will always live on ~ you are a star among clouds and will always shine. I miss you.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I am so glad you are still here. I am thrilled to be back. WE all have so much to catch up on. I look forward to it.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I didn't know you were here!

See you later..


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello mate, you're back - how's tricks? Good to see you're still writing.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hello friend, hope you are well. :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, buddy. Hope all is well with you.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

HI "the Daddy"!! Hope all is well on the dingy and at Uni. Just swung by to say hi!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey hun, I really hope you are staying, so many are not re-posting, and so many are leaving, and I really don't blame them. Talk about ripping the heart and soul out of the place with the click of a mouse, and no amount of points or money can ever replace what was lost. Take care sweetie. XX

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Posted 17 Years Ago
