Thank you for your review of "Poetry" I apreciate your time and your words so much. I liked the way you ended your review we know poetry as Vibrant and discriptive. that sums her up so well passionate for what she believes in and if yu don't understnd it she'll explain it to you. With that peice I just wanted to take the traits that poetry is renowed for and make them her own. I'm glad she resonated with you. thank you again sir Carl
thanks for the review, yea I was pissed off, I just read that for the first time in prolly over a month and don't really like it, but it was good to get out anyway.
What does one do when they run out of peppermints? Lol
They probably removed the bowl from that hallway that day.... "damn people taking our peppermints by the handful"....
But... they kept that verbal breeze nice and fresh.... :o)
It's time for walls to come down.... just as a house.... only some of the walls actually support the structure.... the other walls are only there to cause a division. I need space.....
Space like.... empty space.... that I can do whatever I want with.... every bubble has to pop eventually.... right?