Ale Blevins

Ale Blevins


schooling it up

Greensboro, NC
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Posted 15 Years Ago

WHAT IS HAPPINESS? - Georg Feuerstein

"Everyone is seeking to maximize happiness and minimize unhappiness. Therefore, the pursuit of happiness was written into the American constitution as a basic human right. However, the constitution does not offer a clear explanation of what happiness is. Nor does it tell us how to realize happiness… What, then, is happiness? First of all, we must note that happiness is often confused with pleasure…The particular sting of pleasure is that it is short-lived. Hence we often hunt after a pleasurable repetition and in the process run the rise of becoming ‘addicted’… However much the pleasure, we always hunger for more. Happiness, on the other hand, is deep, full and enduring. It is satisfying in itself. Therefore it gives us peace and tranquility… The person who is happy does not look for greater happiness. But pleasure always spurs us on the experience greater pleasure. Happiness, however, sets us free."

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Esoteric Theosophical Philosophy

The truth within your consciousness is like the horizon that recedes before you. As you journey towards your inner quest in the direction of the leading edge of your belief acceptance. And your knowledge and understanding of the prevailing path grows, the next ascending possibility will always beckon you forth. For wisdom brings together within the truth of your existence, your souls essence, in which is attained by your own experience. Pursue your goal of achieving the truth within your reality of consciousness, in the most direct manner. The paradox is of course, is that you are both the voyager and the pathway; the treasure that you seek is most often slumbering within you or undeveloped in your quest. It�s always within you, has always been, and always will be. It has not been hidden from your sight, for the most part, it�s likely you have hidden from it, so wake it up, face it, and accept it, than use it, by becoming it.

Reality thru Consciousness


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Posted 16 Years Ago

I envy your ability to just naturally write. It seems so easy for you, yet I know it's not.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

I truly enjoy your writing, Amber.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Looking for your presence at
Authors High Society (rp Environment)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Aww! I LOVE YOU TOO! Lol. :D


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello nice to meet you, i shall be back later to read..


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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey amber. i just wanted to let you know that i love all of your poems and the way you write.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks, darling! So kind ...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind praise, my dear!