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Hartford, CT
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About Me

I'm a girl, i don't really write all that often... my writings are just something that comes to my mind and then i write it down, only sometimes do i revise/edit it. i absolutely love to write, what else would i do? i don't really like to read all that often... well i mean read books, i love to read poetry.

I am a girl who believes in God strongly, i don't hate anyone who doesn't... i might disagree every once in a while but i will not hate them. i am a back country kinda girl. 15 and love throwing the hay bails into the truck and then onto the lift to the top and then into the barn, also pushing pigs and cows around... must sound crazy but i love the feeling of being able to direct them, and i love to care for them!

i love to wash my pigs! it is the most fun thing to do... baby shampoo and brushes. then when they are dry, baby powdering them to finish 'em off! for showing that is, and the best friends are made through 4-H and agricultural groups. and the best memories are formed at the Fairs!!

You might think i'm wierd for loving to throw the bails of hay for 14 hour days, but it is so much fun, and even though at the end of the day i can't even flush the toilet with my fingers becuase it hurts so much... i love my life, and i could NEVER picture or even begin to think about living in the city...

i'm truely a COWGIRL AT HEART!!

"Vegetarian" - another way of saying "lousy hunter"
"I was thinking that women should put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans."

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

what no she thinks my tractors sexy !!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi are you there ???

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Posted 15 Years Ago

ya a whole lot of frost bitten heart!!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

only the one i spent 2 weeks writing for the cosgrove from hell way to make me fee loved

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Posted 15 Years Ago

im sure your pigs liked being washed
you can't be a cowgirl at the heart because you don't have a heart didn't you read my poem

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey Kelsey!