Bob B : Writing

Absolute Power

Absolute Power

A Poem by Bob B

With help from his lawyers, the man who loves To have his name displayed on towers Is now trying to make a case That basically gives him u..


A Poem by Bob B

Hey, I've made it to 900! That's a lot from what I've been told. But first, let me be very clear: I don't mean 900 years old! Nine..


A Poem by Bob B

For almost three years the State Department Has been trying to pin a crime On Hilary Clinton regarding her emails. Imagine all the effort..
The D.T. Playbook: Chapter 7 (Abandoning Your Allies)

The D.T. Playbook: Chapter 7 (Abandoning Your Alli..

A Poem by Bob B

Chapter Seven of the D.T. Playbook: Do not worry if you besmirch Your country's honor by suddenly leaving Trusted allies--the Kurds--in t..
Living on Borrowed Time

Living on Borrowed Time

A Poem by Bob B

As I age I wonder What else lies in store For me before I have to Reach that other shore. Although life has moments Blissful and s..
A True Patriot?

A True Patriot?

A Poem by Bob B

To call the president a true Patriot is a cause for concern. Just to hear him called that ought To make a person's stomach turn. A..
To Cover Up a Cover-up

To Cover Up a Cover-up

A Poem by Bob B

To cover up a cover-up Is an endless stream Of one cover-up after another-- Scheme after scheme. Here we're talking secret servers,..
One's Nature*

One's Nature*

A Poem by Bob B

Next to a gentle, gurgling brook, A monk was sitting when by and by Something in the crystal clear Water happened to catch his eye. ..
Just a Tweet Away

Just a Tweet Away

A Poem by Bob B

(This poem could be sung to the tune of "Gimme Shelter," by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.) Every day for certain The flowers of madnes..
Put in His Place

Put in His Place

A Poem by Bob B

For far too long the president’s tried To pull the wool over our eyes, Attacking all who don’t believe His thousands of fool..