I like to think that
I eat well.
But eating well to
me doesn't mean
That I intend to
completely remove
Sugar from my daily
done, Adam!°
Let the truth be
Obstruction, lies,
and abuse of power
All are getting old.
Don't falter, Adam.
It's hard to watch
as Republicans
In Congress parrot
Putin's words.
In spouting Putin's
talking points,
What they're doing
is polishing t..
The Internet was
abuzz this week;
It had to do with a
possible slip.
They say that during
an interview,
Swalwell° let one rip. ..
(If you don’t know
the song from GYPSY, "Everything's Coming Up Roses,” by Jule Styne and
Stephen Sondheim, listen to Bette Midler&rsquo..
Welcome to the new
Two hundred
forty-some years, and wow!:
A few years of
Donald Trump,
And look at what we
have here now:
Hats off to the
Who aren't afraid to
In Congress during
impeachment hearings.
No one needs to ask
them why
They a..
As of now, six of
Associates are
paying for crimes
That they committed
during these
Unprecedented times.
The crimes concern..
All of us vets once
took an oath--
One that clearly
That we will protect
and defend the Con-
Stitution of the
United States...
Humankind is young
when you
Consider the grand
scheme of things.
It's going to be
To see what changes
the future brings.