Bob B : Writing

Las Vegas Debate

Las Vegas Debate

A Poem by Bob B

Easterners had to stay up late To watch the Democratic debate In Vegas, but we out here in the West Tuned in early to watch the slugfest...
Herman, the Fussbudget Cat

Herman, the Fussbudget Cat

A Poem by Bob B

Herman is known as a fussbudget cat. When you observe him, right off the bat You cannot help but notice that He's ALWAYS sulky and cross...
The Pardon Party

The Pardon Party

A Poem by Bob B

The president's having a pardon party To prove that he's a big wheel. He's showing us that corruption here Is NOT a very big deal. ..
Miss Muffins, the Corpulent Cat

Miss Muffins, the Corpulent Cat

A Poem by Bob B

Miss Muffins is a corpulent cat-- A trait she hasn't really bemoaned. However, she likes to see herself Not as obese, but rather…..
Socrates, the Professor Cat

Socrates, the Professor Cat

A Poem by Bob B

Socrates, the professor cat, Loves to teach and lecture. Whether he gets his point across Is sometimes merely conjecture. When lef..
What to Do?

What to Do?

A Poem by Bob B

What should Americans do when they see The president tearing the country apart? What should we all rely on to guide us? What are solutions..
Fiesta, the Party Cat

Fiesta, the Party Cat

A Poem by Bob B

Fiesta is the party cat. She won't play second fiddle; Whenever there's a party going on, She is smack in the middle. Shrimp cockt..
Taking an Axe to Democracy

Taking an Axe to Democracy

A Poem by Bob B

Watch our mob boss president Take an axe to democracy, Bringing us another step closer To what we'd call an autocracy. Calling on ..
Hercules, the Alley Cat

Hercules, the Alley Cat

A Poem by Bob B

Hercules is the alley cat Who stalks the alleys at night And climbs into the trash containers To find a tasty bite. “Cat f..


A Poem by Bob B

When a loved one dies, Our lives take a sudden turn. It’s something we often forget-- Something we have to relearn. Reason..