Bob B : Writing

Dodging Decorum

Dodging Decorum

A Poem by Bob B

I never used to swear that much. Really. But things have changed. It's hard to keep from doing it when One's president is deranged. ..
Deadly Rallies

Deadly Rallies

A Poem by Bob B

Typhoid Trump. How he lovesHis super-spreaders! Yes, siree!All the attention from cheering fansFills his hungry heart with glee.Heaven forbid he wear ..
Reinventing the Swamp

Reinventing the Swamp

A Poem by Bob B

Are you perchance a favor-seeker?Come on in and join the scoresOf those who want a favor from Trump.You scratch his back; he'll scratch yours.Looking ..
Bow Down to Me, O My People

Bow Down to Me, O My People

A Poem by Bob B

(This poem can be sung to the melody of "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina," by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.) D.T. from the White House balcon..
When the Chickens Come Home to Roost

When the Chickens Come Home to Roost

A Poem by Bob B

The president stood before the micAnd told the public not to fear--That things were not so bad--but didn'tSay that he was insincere.He let them think ..
Here and Beyond

Here and Beyond

A Poem by Bob B

We humans love to speculate,And many have contendedThat they are certain what happens afterTheir current life has ended.Some people think we'll find o..
Continue to Weep, America

Continue to Weep, America

A Poem by Bob B

Continue to weep, America.Our days of glory appear to have passed.In the eyes of other countries our once-Respected status is dwindling fast.Certainly..


A Poem by Bob B

Let's sing a tale of honor and valor,Of a legal trailblazer who always will beEtched in our hearts as a fighter for causesAnd known as Notorious RBG.C..
Moscow Mitch and Lapdog Lindsey

Moscow Mitch and Lapdog Lindsey

A Poem by Bob B

Moscow Mitch and Lapdog LindseyHave given up on democracyAnd fully embraced their thirst for power,Governed by their hypocrisy.Power over integritySee..
The New Patriotic Ed Plan

The New Patriotic Ed Plan

A Poem by Bob B

DT:Friends and students, hear my planTo combat left-wing indoctrination:I will sign an order demandingPatriotic education.Ah, such music to my ears!I ..