On Valentine’s Day three years agoA high school shooting shook the nation.Seventeen lives were taken in Parkland,Florida, an indicationThat some..
This is the tale of a woman;Ashli Babbitt's her name.She lost her life by becomingInvolved in a dangerous game.She'd spent some time in the Air Force-..
I have a hard time understandingThis whole thing about being whiteAnd what makes being white so special.I CAN'T comprehend it, try as I might."Special..
Do not live for tomorrow.
Find a way somehow
To cherish every moment--
To live in the here and now.
Appreciate your loved ones.
Let their live..
Hey, come join us. Be a partOf what our Party has come to be:The re-imagined, highly unorthodox,Radicalized GOP.Proud Boys and other radical groups,St..
How could it happen? How could it beThat Marjorie Taylor GreeneBecame a member of Congress? She'sThe Capitol QAnon Queen.She said that the Parkland sh..
Maisha Oni Muhammad-BrinkleyIn Dallas, Texas, worked her magicAs a respiratory therapistUntil, sadly, her life turned tragic.Also known as the Breathi..
It's incomprehensibleWhat some people choose to believe.And also extremely worrisome.Maybe I’m a bit naïve,But goodness gracious! I thought..
Oh, how wonderful it isTo have an adult in the White House again!What a relief to have a leaderWho hires competent women and men--Who doesn't give the..
In horror we watched as our nation'sCapitol Building was overrunBy wild, angry pro-Trump mobsOn one…six…twenty-one.Who were these people..