Tired of hearing news about COVID?You THOUGHT it was going away? Not true.You might be tired of hearing about it,But it's not tired of hearing about y..
(This can be sung to the melody of "The Ballad of Davy Crockett," by Tom Blackburn and George E. Bruns.)All you have to do is show you are a fanOf Don..
continue to be
Water wise, or water
We can save our
precious commodity
If all of us will do
our part.
"But wh..
Sometimes it seems
that gone are the days
When people valued
the wise--
When education
wasn't suspect
And something to
It was only six months agoThat we had an insurrectionBecause a former presidentRefused to believe he lost an election.Inciting a large part of his bas..
The 4th of July is here, and thoughWe haven't reached our goal,We have still made headway gettingCOVID under control.A year ago, times were scary,But ..
The date was June 21In 1964.Three men° had no ideaWhat would be lying in storeWhen they drove through the SouthIn efforts to promoteEquality by he..
Get your vaccination.Set your fears aside.Do not count on othersTo give you a free ride.We're in this together.Everyone take heart.All can benefitIf w..
She was so beautiful, oh, so beautiful.People said that for miles around.Her radiant face: the pride of the pueblo;Her melodious voice: the most pleas..
Tell it to me plainly, simply,Without incongruities.I have NO more patience forVagueness and ambiguities.Whatever you have to say, say itClearly, matt..