Bob B : Writing



A Poem by Bob B

The lizards crouched on a desert rock,Quietly reminiscing,When all of a sudden one of the membersNoticed that one was missing.“Where is Sunny?&r..
Rights Denied

Rights Denied

A Poem by Bob B

After years of limited accessTo the voting booth,We are now--once again--Facing an ugly truth:While laws making it easy to voteShould be watertight,Ma..
Poor Afghanistan

Poor Afghanistan

A Poem by Bob B

For nearly twenty years we've foughtA war against the Taliban,As U.S. and allied forces haveChased a mirage in Afghanistan.A war that spanned four pre..
The Fading Stars and Stripes

The Fading Stars and Stripes

A Poem by Bob B

The vigor is gone from the Stars and Stripes. What's happening is truly degrading. The purity of the WHITE is sullied; The RED and BLUE ar..
The Ballad of Number 45: Four Long Years

The Ballad of Number 45: Four Long Years

A Poem by Bob B

It’s hard to know how the countrySurvived having to spendA four-year term with 45.I thought it would never end.Four long years of scandals;Fours..
If I Develop Dementia

If I Develop Dementia

A Poem by Bob B

If I develop dementia someday,Will the condition be obvious to me?Will I be able to know that IAm out of touch with reality?Will I notice that when I ..
Washington to the Rescue: Marching Song, 2021

Washington to the Rescue: Marching Song, 2021

A Poem by Bob B

In 1777 we hear Death from smallpox was a fear. Much to Washington's dismay, Troops were dying every day. Sound off: one, two; S..
"And Leave the Rest Up to Me"

"And Leave the Rest Up to Me"

A Poem by Bob B

During the final days of his term, Trump did his best To overturn election results Like a man possessed. Like a man possessed he t..
Learning from Bryan

Learning from Bryan

A Poem by Bob B

Bryan Thompson, from Mississippi,Didn't want to be vaccinatedUntil he knew much more aboutThe COVID vaccine. Thus, he waited.Caution is understandable..
Not Out of the Woods

Not Out of the Woods

A Poem by Bob B

We aren't out of the woodsRegarding the COVID pandemic.One thing isn't helping:The anti-vaccine polemic.Despite efforts to getThe virus under control,..