The lizards crouched on a desert rock,Quietly reminiscing,When all of a sudden one of the membersNoticed that one was missing.“Where is Sunny?&r..
After years of limited accessTo the voting booth,We are now--once again--Facing an ugly truth:While laws making it easy to voteShould be watertight,Ma..
For nearly twenty years we've foughtA war against the Taliban,As U.S. and allied forces haveChased a mirage in Afghanistan.A war that spanned four pre..
The vigor is gone
from the Stars and Stripes.
What's happening is
truly degrading.
The purity of the
WHITE is sullied;
The RED and BLUE ar..
It’s hard to know how the countrySurvived having to spendA four-year term with 45.I thought it would never end.Four long years of scandals;Fours..
If I develop dementia someday,Will the condition be obvious to me?Will I be able to know that IAm out of touch with reality?Will I notice that when I ..
In 1777 we hear
Death from smallpox
was a fear.
Much to Washington's
Troops were dying
every day.
Sound off: one, two;
During the final
days of his term,
Trump did his best
To overturn election
Like a man
Like a man possessed
he t..
Bryan Thompson, from Mississippi,Didn't want to be vaccinatedUntil he knew much more aboutThe COVID vaccine. Thus, he waited.Caution is understandable..
We aren't out of the woodsRegarding the COVID pandemic.One thing isn't helping:The anti-vaccine polemic.Despite efforts to getThe virus under control,..