A farmer went to the market one dayTo buy another a*s for his farm.He had a few in his stable already,But adding one more would do no harm.He came acr..
The queen bee flew to Mount OlympusTo offer some honey to Hera and Zeus,And while she was there she planned to discussThe current problem of bee abuse..
What a crazy world we live in!It gets crazier day by day.Imagine killing your kids becauseThey had serpent DNA!Yep! A California man,Killed his childr..
Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantisAre leading the lemmings into the fire.The two governors are throwing moreWood onto the funeral pyre.Each is hoping that v..
Once there was a mischievous dogThat thought it was so funTo bark at and snap at people--in short,To torment everyone.He was such a nuisance thatHis m..
Outside a window hung a cageIn which a bird was confined.A neighboring bat was wondering ifThe bird had lost her mind.During the day when other birds ..