Today I gotMy booster shot.It didn't getA second thought.Two shots first,Then THIS makes three.No, COVID's not for me.Hi ho the derry o!Vaccinations w..
When we delve into our past,Stories of odd eccentrics abound.Of course, you'll find them even todayIf you dare to look around.Have you heard of the Co..
Have you heard of Pastor Rick Wiles?Pastor Wacko is more apropos.After hearing about his rants,I'm sure he's someone I DON'T want to know.According to..
(This poem can be sung to the melody "Clang, Clang, Clang Went the Trolley," by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane and sung by Judy Garland.)With my question..
It seems as though our friends on the RightAre still eager to pursuePolicies that show that they wantTo have their cake and eat it, too.Take taxes, fo..
"I was like, Wow, THAT is crazy!He was like, There's no parallel.I was like, That is SO bizarre.He was like, Yeah, what the hell?"So I was like, Why d..
Every day it seems that we hear on the newsThat someone else has a few loose screws:Anti-vaxxers causing disruptions on our planes.Trying to be obnoxi..
You're at a party when--déjà vu--The music changes from out of the blue.You might miss a step, but whatever you doKeep dancing.Meteorolo..
Nonsense from the folks on the RightContinues to plague us every day.It's as though we're all on a stage,Caught in the midst of a nihilist play.A Texa..
It’s a female’s
Well, for emus it
Once her egg's been
The rest of the work
is HIS.
Her mate, who's