Bob B : Writing

Your Element

Your Element

A Poem by Bob B

FIREWhat stands out as your element?Do you shine and inspire?Do you radiate confidence?If so, you're probably FIRE.Then you'll show initiative,Enthusi..
Black History Month 2022

Black History Month 2022

A Poem by Bob B

On February 1 each year,Black History Month begins.Major contributions of BlacksAre praised, and everybody wins.But yesterday, we heard the shockingRe..
The Craziness Continues

The Craziness Continues

A Poem by Bob B

AGGRESSIONNations in Europe are on alert,And once again the U.S. hustlesTo deal with Putin's aggressivenessAs he defiantly flexes his muscles.Amassing..
As the Bug We're Dreading Keeps Spread...Spread...Spreading Around...

As the Bug We're Dreading Keeps Spread...Spread.....

A Poem by Bob B

(This poem can be sung to the melody of "When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along," by Harry Woods)Oh, as the bug we're dreading keepsSpr..
Conspiracy Fest

Conspiracy Fest

A Poem by Bob B

The recent anti-vaccine mandateRally in Washington, D.C.Was without a doubt a realConspiracy theory potpourri.Participants' wild speeches and comments..


A Poem by Bob B

Certain energies fill our livesAnd work to make us whole.But they can also work against usWhen they're out of control.Aries energies are dynamic,Ambit..
A Sad Legacy

A Sad Legacy

A Poem by Bob B

The long war in Afghanistan… Now, when all is said and done, What started out as a war with a cause, Turned out being a losing one..
Poetry Trolls

Poetry Trolls

A Poem by Bob B

Trolls abound on the Internet,Creeping out of the dark, like moles.The ones who lurk on poetry sitesAre better known as poetry trolls.Poetry trolls at..
Stand Up for Democracy

Stand Up for Democracy

A Poem by Bob B

Stand up for democracy-- For true democracy, I mean, And NOT for what is being spread By the far-right propaganda machine. Stand u..
A Shared Experience

A Shared Experience

A Poem by Bob B

I like a tasty gin and tonic,Margarita, or daiquiri.Whiskey, bourbon, scotch, or vodkaReally don't do much for me.But wine--ah!--a good glass of wineS..