Bob B : Writing

Here to Stay

Here to Stay

A Poem by Bob B

It really seems that COVID's here to stay.A virus isn’t easy to contain.Vaccinations help keep it at bay,But battles with its variants remain.Tr..
Lucky to Be Alive

Lucky to Be Alive

A Poem by Bob B

Uvalde, Texas. Miah Cerrillo,A child only eleven years old,Will never forget a day in MayAs she watched a horrible scene unfold.She was in class when ..


A Poem by Bob B

Technology is a blessing at times,And yet it's also a curse.Hackers and scammers glom onto it withA glee that's sick and perverse.You always have to t..
Truth or Rumor?

Truth or Rumor?

A Poem by Bob B

Stories abound that Putin is ill.The Kremlin, of course, denies it.You could go over and check for yourself,But, frankly, I wouldn't advise it.You cou..
Grief Can Kill

Grief Can Kill

A Poem by Bob B

Powerful grief can overwhelm us.It doesn't merely make us feel blue.At times it's more insidious,For it is able to kill us, too.Joe and Irma Garc&iacu..
When Does Enough Become Enough?

When Does Enough Become Enough?

A Poem by Bob B

Nineteen children were killed yesterdayIn a small Texan town while at school.Two adults were killed as well.This is what happens in a land where guns ..
A Mass Shooting in Buffalo

A Mass Shooting in Buffalo

A Poem by Bob B

Hundreds of people are grieving todayBecause of a problem that won't go away.Attempts at solutions are kept at bay.A mass shooting in Buffalo.America'..
Happy National Limerick Day - May 12, 2022

Happy National Limerick Day - May 12, 2022

A Poem by Bob B

A couple decided to stop To look for some books in a shop. Content with just four, They walked out the door With Sex After Sixty on to..
Where Are the Institutions?

Where Are the Institutions?

A Poem by Bob B

Where are mental institutionsTo help those in dire need?Within our current societal framework,We can see where their absence can lead.Closing the door..
How Many, Putin?

How Many, Putin?

A Poem by Bob B

How many more Ukrainian peopleAre you going to kill, Putin?How much more innocent bloodDo you plan to spill, Putin?How many more vicious liesAre you g..