Bob B : Writing

See You in Court, Mr. T!

See You in Court, Mr. T!

A Poem by Bob B

For far too long Trump has gottenAway with far too much.For years, he has thought he isSomeone the law can't touch.As president, he thought he'd getAw..
Revising History

Revising History

A Poem by Bob B

Florida's current school standardsLeave a lot to be desired.In fact, the people responsibleFor writing them deserve to be fired.Yes, they do mention t..
Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas

A Poem by Bob B

Thomas could be rude.The guy was always stewedAnd had a reputation in the town.Not much of a thinker,The wild, rambunctious drinkerWas met by local to..
The Ballad of Dangerous Trends

The Ballad of Dangerous Trends

A Poem by Bob B

One thing that's hard to escape fromIs social media trends.People encounter them dailyAnd then share the posts with their friends.The false informatio..
Hits and Misses

Hits and Misses

A Poem by Bob B

You cannot always have hits in life;There have to be some misses.Sometimes you'll hear words of praise;Sometimes you'll hear hisses.Artists don't alwa..
Poor Trumpy!

Poor Trumpy!

A Poem by Bob B

Trump's cases are piling up.In Florida, it's classified docs.Jumping from ONE excuse to another,He acts as though he's Goldilocks!Falsifying business ..
The Father°

The Father°

A Poem by Bob B

In a small village lived a man Who no longer had a wife. The only son that he had was now The pride and joy of his life.` While th..
The Poisoned Arrow

The Poisoned Arrow

A Poem by Bob B

A curious monk asked the Buddha some questions:"Is the world finite or not?What happens to people after we die?Your answers to these will help me a lo..
More Important?

More Important?

A Poem by Bob B

"There are more important things than living,"Said Dan Patrick° back in 2020.His words, of course, were feelingless and shocking,But people who ag..
What a Universe!

What a Universe!

A Poem by Bob B

This is a violent universe.Galaxies are colliding.A big black hole could gobble us up.From some things there's no hiding.A meteor could crash into Ear..