For far too long Trump has gottenAway with far too much.For years, he has thought he isSomeone the law can't touch.As president, he thought he'd getAw..
Florida's current school standardsLeave a lot to be desired.In fact, the people responsibleFor writing them deserve to be fired.Yes, they do mention t..
Thomas could be rude.The guy was always stewedAnd had a reputation in the town.Not much of a thinker,The wild, rambunctious drinkerWas met by local to..
One thing that's hard to escape fromIs social media trends.People encounter them dailyAnd then share the posts with their friends.The false informatio..
You cannot always have hits in life;There have to be some misses.Sometimes you'll hear words of praise;Sometimes you'll hear hisses.Artists don't alwa..
Trump's cases are piling up.In Florida, it's classified docs.Jumping from ONE excuse to another,He acts as though he's Goldilocks!Falsifying business ..
In a small village
lived a man
Who no longer had a
The only son that he
had was now
The pride and joy of
his life.`
While th..
A curious monk asked the Buddha some questions:"Is the world finite or not?What happens to people after we die?Your answers to these will help me a lo..
"There are more important things than living,"Said Dan Patrick° back in 2020.His words, of course, were feelingless and shocking,But people who ag..
This is a violent universe.Galaxies are colliding.A big black hole could gobble us up.From some things there's no hiding.A meteor could crash into Ear..