It's said that a dog is "man's best friend."To me they're a pain in the butt.Usually, when I see a dog,I see a mangy mutt.Yipping, barking, slobbering..
It doesn't matter whether weAre Christians--no, not one bit--To celebrate the spirit of Christmas.Believers need not have a fit.The joy of love and gi..
Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson,Now compares himself to Moses.It's rather disconcerting whatHis total self-aggrandizement shows us.It's what he tol..
(This poem can be sung to the tune of the 1922 song "Toot…Toot…Tootsie, Good-bye.")Good-bye, Santos,° good-bye!Wipe that tear from y..
I ran into Tom the Turkey again.It's been a year since I saw him last.He told me he was trying outA recommended Thanksgiving fast."If everybody would ..
Let's be real. It's fine to beSkeptical when others say"God has given this land to us."The appropriate response: "No way!"One group says, "This land i..
Interestingly, it seems that KentuckyEnjoys incredible satisfactionIn boasting the Ark Encounter, which isA strange and bizarre tourist attraction.Noa..
Unfortunately, RepublicanExtremists in Congress have won.The recent clown show isn't over;In fact, it's barely begun.Mike Johnson was voted inAs Speak..
For years Trump has wanted usAll to believe that he is the greatBusinessman par excellence,When actually, he's second-rate.By lying and cheating his w..
A group of people heard there wasA city with treasure beyond compare.They met a wise, compassionate leaderWho said, "I will guide you there."The road ..