


Been 6 years but I'M BACK!

Los Angeles, CA
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About Me

Im from Los Angeles Ca. I enjoy writing, comics, poetry and personal views on the world. I love to draw and Cook. I am a training proffesional wrestler, that has had jobs in personal training, and being a bouncer in bars. My primary career has been working in group homes with teens in placement. I am in love with a woman who will one day be my wife and the mother of my children. And have a passion for pets mostly dogs and cats. I am a DIE HARD Raider fan to the bone. Anything else you might find on my My Space.

While I have started a Crime/ Murder Thriller Novel a couple months ago Ive recently taken a break on it.


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Posted 9 Years Ago

I don't know if any of my old friends are still around I havent posted in so many years, but now I'm in the works of getting my first novel published, and am looking forward to sharing my work with my friends here.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Well it's certainly been a LOOOONG time over 5 years to be exact since the last time I logged into Writers Cafe. Well I am back and bring years of new writing with me hope to see all my old writing friends soon!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hello, my friend. i was just stopping in to see how things were here, and saw that you had sent me a note a while back. (a year ago. lol) sorry for the delay, but i was disenchanted with this site and decided to concentrate on my writing for a while. how is everything with you? anything new you are working on? feel free to look me up on myspace if you like. do a search for "ted" in the knoxville tennessee area and i am sure you will locate my page. i'm j. alfred prufrock opn myspace as well. talk to you later. take care

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Posted 17 Years Ago

nice new pic

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Damn, like the new picture man.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for taking a look at my acroustic Cracked Heart.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

TBird, you are welcome anytime! I have to say, I am definately feelin' the love from you and Scott! from L.A. to Chandler! You guys are the best!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

TBird, just wanted to say thanks for all the reviews and for adding me to your myspace friends as well. Your friend Scott added me too! Thanks again! You are so sweet!
Sandra :D

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Posted 17 Years Ago

sorry for that absence. Been hella sick and s**t like that, just stoped by work cause I thought that I would going to be staying, but I just can't hack it yet. I'll be back in a day or so I hope. Thanks for the great words Darlin' I'll catch up when I am not wacked out on cold meds

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the comments! I work in a group home too! That's really awesome, I love working in a group home! I think that those kids need so much love and it's nice to know that there are other people out there who agree with me.