It started like any other boring day in my senior year. Wake up, shower, drive to school, have a smoke while driving, do school work. But that was th..
The flight from the school to home.
"Where the f**k have you been?"
"Well school is in about this time so i thought it was safe to say there."
"Your teacher called, you ignored scho..
Kyle and I rush to the door, i grab my bow and nock an arrow, ready to draw it and let the arrow fly. Kyle opens the door and Britney falls into the ..
After i unlock the door, we walk into my garage, it has changed a little. there are now farm tractors parked infront of the big bay doors. Someone we..
We wake up in the morning to a loud crash and yelling, i leap out of me bed and pull my pants on and belt my pants on, i grab my webing and strap it ..
Our release onto the streets again.
I awake in the morning because the sun is shining through a window, and I can tell Kayla is awake. Her breathing is quicker and deeper when she is aw..
Thud. muffled yelling. my eyes flash open Thud. i grab my bow and i grab the leverage bar, and i pull back the string on hundred and fifty pound draw ..
What i sawin frontof me scared me, there was a good few hundred dead heads running around. they are about a hundred yards off the cap to the gas stat..