Lilliana has been living with her kidnapper enduring extensive abuse and rape. But something happens that changes the game, forcing Lil to fight back.
Rules of the Swedish Vampiric Colony 17841. Honors have priority and authority in any and every situation.2. To achieve the honor of being an Honor, ..
Before Ava Adrianna sat in her luxurious lounge chair, feeling proud to be the youngestHonor. Being only seventeen years of age, technically, made her..
Disaster I got home, furious, excited, soaking wet, and in no mood for my father. Even justwalking through the door you could smell the liqour in the ..
Breaking the RulesZane's POV I took Adrianna's hand in the dark and lead her through the hallway to my room. "I can't believe we're doing this! Won..
Surprise The plane landed about an hour ago. We're at Darren's uncle Jon's hotel. Jayna andI are sharing a room. We're on the eleventh foor in room 14..
MistakeZane's POV I picked up Adrianna's Honors' robe and handed it to her. She smiled. "Thanks. So...? Do I just go back now? Haha, will they notice?..
After Thoughts I have to say that I've never been kissed while being interviewed by the cops. Iguess there's a first time for everything, but that doe..
GlimpseZane's POV I can't believe I was so impulsive and stupid. Yes, she was nice-looking. Yes, Iwas somewhat attracted to her. Yes, I kissed her. Bu..
Alone Again I felt giddy. That kiss was so smooth...savory...potent...perfect. I can't find a goodenough word. It was...inhuman. I can barely remember..