tashavoase : Writing

Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

A Chapter by tashavoase

Rebecca is told to kill her friend
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

A Chapter by tashavoase

Elizabeth discovers the village she used to live in
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

A Chapter by tashavoase

When I start getting up, it occurs to me that, I don’t know where I’m supposed to go next. I mean, ‘training’ isn’t..
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

A Chapter by tashavoase

I do not talk throughout dinner. The others glance at my impassive face as I slide into a spot and help myself to fish and chips. I keep my head..
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

A Chapter by tashavoase

The next few days pass in a blur of endless lessons and tears. I avoid everyone else; they assume that I’m overcome with grief but, in rea..
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

A Chapter by tashavoase

I spend Saturday morning by the lake. Eddie had already left his bed when I crept out of the dormitory and, the cowardly part of me rejoices in ..
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

A Chapter by tashavoase

I wake up at the crack of dawn and begin to dress. I make my way down to the kitchens, knowing that the people there will have risen early to pr..
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

A Chapter by tashavoase

I skip breakfast the next day and take Amore out for a ride across my estate. It’s bizarre knowing that every blade of grass, every dandel..
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

A Chapter by tashavoase

I flirt the night away, ignoring Charles’ glowering looks. He will understand. I have decided that, in the absence of any decent instructi..
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

A Chapter by tashavoase

I spend the rest of the day running through my apartment, trying everything. The bath has a thousand different options and I switch each of them..