taoaxue123 : Writing

  A little over two months after New World's huge launch

A little over two months after New World's huge ..

A Story by taoaxue123

Two greater merges, this time for all the servers that make up the Central EU Vanaheim Terra global set and the South American Nibiru Mu global set, ..
 What are the implications of these AH changes

What are the implications of these AH changes

A Story by taoaxue123

Today we will cover issues from across the game, from UI updates, PvP, questing, and many more. First , we have an announcement that confirms this Tom..
YouTuber Crouching_Tuna has a alliance alpha accession

YouTuber Crouching_Tuna has a alliance alpha acces..

A Story by taoaxue123

Carrion Golem Elementalist Some players adeptness admission noticed that golem-related accessory has become abundant added big-ticket in Heist

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