taoaxue123 : Writing

I believe that assassination is seriously

I believe that assassination is seriously

A Story by taoaxue123

I believe that assassination is seriously undervalued, especially for tos
 Ironmace acknowledged the challenges

Ironmace acknowledged the challenges

A Story by taoaxue123

Ironmace acknowledged the challenges they faced in bringing Dark and Darker to fruition
The complete New Angel absolutio

The complete New Angel absolutio

A Story by taoaxue123

New World’s broke beta become a adeptness exhausted this yr,
Warlocks are extremely powerful

Warlocks are extremely powerful

A Story by taoaxue123

Warlocks are extremely powerful from the start of the expansion through the end of the expansion, however, they require gear to maintain some of that ..
Embracing Challenge and Rarity

Embracing Challenge and Rarity

A Story by taoaxue123

Path of Exile's Necropolis League heralds the arrival
A Beacon in the MMORPG Landscape

A Beacon in the MMORPG Landscape

A Story by taoaxue123

A Legacy of Excellence: NCSoft Brings Experience, Amazon Games Delivers Expertise
Artwork of the Dark and Darker instructions

Artwork of the Dark and Darker instructions

A Story by taoaxue123

Ironmace has showed that Dark and Darker may be to be
Honestly if you had like complete

Honestly if you had like complete

A Story by taoaxue123

Honestly if you had like complete champion gear, the blood of Death Knight
The Best Armor The Fighter Can Wear

The Best Armor The Fighter Can Wear

A Story by taoaxue123

Dark and Darker - A Fully Armored Fighter In The Loadout Menu
Gladiators are typically associated

Gladiators are typically associated

A Poem by taoaxue123

Gladiators are typically associated with block-based results and melee builds. It's possilbe to use them for Bow characters, however Ranger ascendenci..

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