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Henderson, NV
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About Me

I don't know how to be anything else but what I am and though I know on an abstract level exactly who I am, I will always be unable to describe myself satisfactorily.

But I can try to sum up:

-I am an artist, at the very least in mind, soul, and temperament.
-I am very ambitious in that there are many many things I want to do in my lifetime and to make some kind of difference to someone somewhere is the greatest kind of achievement in my book.
-I really do feel like I'm going to do something amazing in my lifetime. I can't quite explain it. I just know.
-I love people and life. Humanity will never cease to fascinate and inspire me, in all its beautiful imperfections and frailties.
-I'm intensely psycho-analytical and philosophical. I think far too much and about everything. I'm constantly analyzing myself and my relationships and life as well as others'.
-I write often and if you really get me going, there's the possibility that I will never stop. Take this as an example.
-I go crazy with metaphors that don't always make sense to anyone but me.
-I'm an insatiable doodler. The margins of my class notes are covered in doodles, many of which tend to sprawl across the page and circle my notes in an aggressive swarm like manner.
-I have a fairly regular artistic cycle that consists of 3 phases: thought/inspiration. writing. and drawing/painting
-I fluctuate a lot on how seriously I take my school work
-I plan to travel the world extensively.
-My family is British, as am I. We moved out here when I was 6 for my father's work. I lost my accent, sadly. I plan to get it back one day.
-I view fashion and cosmetology as an art form and though wouldn't care to pursue it professionally, will always view it as a wonderful form of self expression and shall paint myself like the pasty white English canvas that I am.
-Dresses and skirts kick a*s over pants any day. Also, stockings are amazing. I never wear t-shirts.
-I am currently in a healthy, rational, and happy relationship. I love my family very much and I have amazing friends that I am truly honored to have in my life.
-Humor rules my life. Make me laugh and you are a friend.
-I love animals. I have two dogs who are absolutely adorable and lovable.
-Audrey Hepburn will always be one of my idols.
-I set very high standards for myself
-I love music. My tastes are extremely eclectic.
-I hate picking favorites.
-I love movies a lot; to be the art director/production designer for movies would be incredible. I also enjoy theatre. I like reading though I don't read half as much as I should.
-I am not religious. Neither is my family. Though you might say I have been raised on vaguely christian ideals. Back to basics: 'hey guys, wouldn't it be sweet if we could all just be nice to each other'. Don't get me started on my views on institutionalized religion. I'm not atheist, agnostic, satanist, or some other something. I believe what I believe and don't think there's much point in worrying or talking about it.
-I love theatre. Acting is the biggest thrill to the adrenaline I've ever known.
-I'm not stupid. I try not to be ignorant. Resist the Infection!
-Dancing is what keeps me from being a fatty, and I love it.
-My guilty ambitions include being a suicide girl, and learning how to pole dance.
-I am a Taurus, and this much at least is true: I'm very stubborn once I decide on something, and I love earthly pleasures (good food, good music, good fun, etc. I like beautiful things. Fortunately, I find beauty in a lot)
-I am to lingerie as many women are to shoes. ... I do like shoes too though.
-I'm fairly activist. slightly political. and definitely not apathetic.

-My current obsessions include Gothic Lolita Fashion, Ingrid Michaelson, my tablet computer, Fabian Perez, the synth I borrowed from a friend, getting over my illness, black and white everything, painting designs on my door, the tango, the movies The Dark Knight and Mirrormask, and happy-making late night phone conversations.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

"Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy -- you're right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body."

Abraham Hicks

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I really like your writing and thank you for the review!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I appreciate the add!
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