Anna Marie

Anna Marie


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Central, NJ
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About Me

"Men always want to be a woman's first love.
Women have a more subtle instinct.
What they like is to be a man's last romance" --Oscar Wilde

"You used to sleep with men you were comfortable with in an attempt to make yourself comfortable with them; you marry the one you forget yourself with." -- Nikki Gemmell

"What a loss, loss, loss, loss it is
to remain sober among the intoxicated and the unconscious." - Rumi

"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere
They're in each other all along." - Rumi

Anna Marie is a 23 year old messy, classless Virgo who is utterly infatuated with the moon. She must be, considering her five tattoos of it. Her hero is her mother and she strives endlessly for her acceptance. She adores Anime, Manga and the allure and mystery that is the Orient. She prides herself on her ability to make people laugh. She has recently acquired a muse who has opened up her psyche and left her gasping for air as the words come billowing out of her. He evokes so much emotion in her which is clearly evident in her work. Anna is not one to take things seriously, hates to write sad, hollow poetry and lingers in the arena known as romantic/comedy. She adores the smell of her man, the ocean, lilacs, fresh baked bread and always succumbs to the temptation of hot dogs and donuts but has never once contemplated eating them together. She is terrified of clowns, failure and bugs. Her pet peeves are bad drivers and �bennys� and she is a slave to erotica. A woman in love with her friends, her emotions and of course her darling lover, she is surely a tool of society. Anna is also a boisterous fool who hates to write in third person.

Content wise, I bury myself in romance, unrequited love, heartache and ;) Occasionally, I journey outside my realm.

I am also an avid photographer who is terribly shy about her shots. I love expressing myself through many different outlets.



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Happy Valentine's day... although you're never on anymore, period...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a spare moment could you read me? Thank you x
Hush Your Heart
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Cat Among the Pigeons Pt II
A Story by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a moment!
Cat Among the Pigeons
A Story by Bubo


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review. How you doing? Hope you and yours are well Mali say's Miaow sam x

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Dear Diane was a little experiment I set myself.
I'm not sure whether or not to write a companion piece, which would be her letters

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reading Thoughts....And Stuff
I'm glad it came across as bleak, 'cos I didn't want to glamourize it, I wanted it to be dirty, seedy and unapealing.
The thinking too much comes from me, the rest is all made up, but I always over analyze. Can make me a pain in the backside.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank-you Anna...I do try not to be so dark but seemingly that's just me. Thanks for reading and enjoying, hope you're well. James x.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank-you Anna...I do try not to be so dark but seemingly that's just me. Thanks for reading and enjoying, hope you're well. James x.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reading Window Shopping
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You got it spot on.
I was trying to portray the way your brain feels like it's going to explode when things get on top of you.
Panda Eyes comes from a friend, who spent two hours crying on my shoulder.