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Mississauga, Canada
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About Me

What can I say?

I dreamed of becoming an author ever since I turned 13 and finally realized my owl wouldn't be arriving after all. I was enchanted by the Harry Potter series, how it had this incredible ability to erase my reality and surround me in a world of magic and lore, heroes and valour, friendship and adventure, love and loss.

I was enchanted by the idea of having the power to so easily pluck a person from this world and propel them into one made entirely from fiction. It always felt like a service to others- like I could truly save someone- if I ever ended up writing a meaningful, successful novel. Because if there was ever one reason alone that I fell in love with the Potter series, it was because every time I picked up any one of the books, it was such an indescribable relief for me. It had a way of making me forget all my worries and depression, to put aside my anger and loneliness, and to be able to see, feel and really experience a perfect life in which I have a multitude of friends and loved ones willing to die for me and my cause. It's every child's dearest wish to live a life like Harry Potter, despite all the other sides to his story like being an orphan or facing a surely doomed destiny.

To me, right now, I would gladly welcome a destiny like that. A destiny in which one's purpose in life is so undeniably clear, and a destiny in which one has friends true enough to be willing to sacrifice everything to help them achieve it.

In my life, I think the greatest service I can do for humanity is write to inspire. Write to change lives.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

It was fail *shifty eyes*
I ended up just sticking to WC and found it much more enjoyable!
Lmao. It's like DA, only better :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

welcome to writer'scafe love!
long time no parler.