It's the new niners first day at Brinstel High in Toronto, Canada. They learn about the Drama that has happened there already, and whats to come.
The second part to Day 1, of Brinstel High
A group of 9th graders, new to Brinstel High School, learn how to deal with hate, relationships, and life.
A story about bullying. Figured it would be nice to connect with a real world problem.
I loved these sort of summer nights, but something didn't feel right...
I had wished for this to happen all my life, but now that it did, I would do anything to reverse it...
Caroline's parents are away for the night, but when Eli calls is it disaster waiting to happen?
Eli is here with Caroline, but what are his intentions?
Eli and Caroline went to bed, but Cara's parents are home unexpectedly will they get busted
seduction is a fine art,one i so happen to be great at