sweetsweet22 : Writing

In Memory of you

In Memory of you

A Poem by sweetsweet22

In memory of a family friend
Find another way

Find another way

A Poem by sweetsweet22

poem about recent news


A Poem by sweetsweet22

a poem about fear
Out with the old, in with the new

Out with the old, in with the new

A Poem by sweetsweet22

a poem of starting a new chapter in my life
How did we get from here to there?

How did we get from here to there?

A Poem by sweetsweet22

A poem on drifting apart without knowing how or why
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2 were selfish, one was kind

2 were selfish, one was kind

A Poem by sweetsweet22

True story about a 14 year old girl getting a boyfriend which made her only care about him and no one else
Why do this thing to me?

Why do this thing to me?

A Poem by sweetsweet22

friendship, betrayel

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