J. Swaney

J. Swaney


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Bowling Green, CA
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About Me

I"m a Jew, an Electrician, A convicted Bank Robber, A Husband, Father, GrandFather, and Step-Father.. I'm either Crazy or Very Creative. I groove on negativity because I am skeptical of most of the other emotions. I'm the kind of guy that appreciates seeing two people in a knife fight more than seeing two people holding hands and tongue kissing at the movies, usually the blood is real, and usually the kisses aren't, plus in a year the scars from a good knife fight will still linger while the kisses are normally forgotten in a week or two. That's not to say that kisses can't leave scars but they are on the inside and where is the fun in that? I have written millions of words and would only consider a few thousand to be worth the paper they are written on. I currently have 2 novels in the works one is called Random Acts Of Violence and the other is called Angel 2.0. Since I have already completed both stories in my head it's hard to say when the rest of the novels will make it to paper or hard-drive or what ever. I have lived loads in my 40 years and I have been the good guy as well as the bad guy, it's hard to say what role I am most comfortable with. I expect more out of my reading than I usually get and I suppose that is what motivates me to write. I want other peoples word pictures to move me, make me laugh, cry, curse, vomit, or reflect, just give me something! So much writing is gravy, just a creamy a*s chicken both gravy, and I'm a meat and potatoes man. I plan to publish a compilation called Blood & Over-ripe tomatoes in Feb of 09 and am looking for people who can provide me with meat and potatoes.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

No that I'm trying to give you any ideas....



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Posted 16 Years Ago

always! thanks for the add

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm going upstairs for a bit, but I'm glad as always to see you back...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

okay you do not suck as a writer...statements like that kill me especially when there are so many who believe they are god's gift to writing and their stuff just plain stinks...trust me, you're good

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I had everything backed up the wazoo, but many didn't. One guy lost over 700 pieces...I can't even imagine what he's going through.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey there old friend! How are you doing? I hope you didn't lose any of your work...so many did and it's such a tragedy.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey there! That's about the most glowing review I have ever received anywhere at anytime in my life. So how much money do I owe you anyway?

I may never write again after that. You gave me a lot to live up to.

take care :)

And look, another crow story...flying over there now....

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey there! That's about the most glowing review I have ever received anywhere at anytime in my life. So how much money do I owe you anyway?

I may never write again after that. You gave me a lot to live up to.

take care :)

And look, another crow story...flying over there now....

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello.. nice to hear you read the other night.
Good to be a freind.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Siphoning off people, Writers Haven is still in it's inception and needs a few more days till the site is fully inialilized. This site is a snore and not happening. The faction in charge, meaning that blob and her minions has partially ruined this site for their own commercial goals.
The "spoken word" movement is so in love with their syllables above content. They sicken me along with their roots. Prisoners, including sex offenders, rapists, murderers, etc. I have worked in prisons and have the idea just what this is all about.
The slam thing popularized poetry however brought a low class druggy/felon element about to mourn their own predicament and blame society for their own crimes that became gangster rap with all it's foulness. F**k these people! Garbage! Stop making them OK with the clothes, lingo, walk, talk, attitude. These people are the lowest of the low and deserve nothing besides basics, simple food, a smock, and a hut.
Let's stop glamorizing these pieces of s**t and get on with a worthwhile society and good writing.