S.K : Writing

Sound Soul

Sound Soul

A Poem by S.K

We enter into a darkness involuntary,a place where we receive our most beautiful scars,a place where we discover the sound soulthat we nakedly are.
The Beginning of a Memoir

The Beginning of a Memoir

A Poem by S.K

The ocean of the stars are no more than the many freckles on the edge of his cheeks, washing over the bridge of his nose, blending into his skin sunk..
Leave Tip Greens

Leave Tip Greens

A Poem by S.K

All he asks is for her to come water his lungs so the branches of his veins grow leave greens, where the oxygen breeze can feel its way home again. H..


A Poem by S.K

"A headache." Said He. His head warned the moon that a supernova was expected to appear very soon. And as he closed his eyes, in the wake of midnight..


A Poem by S.K

What is it really?
Our Shadows

Our Shadows

A Poem by S.K

We all have masks and shadows.
A New Place

A New Place

A Poem by S.K

Existential poem

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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