Another unfinished one. lol
Not finished yet.
Laying here,
Looking into the past.
How long did it last.
Could you see the pain,
The tears that fell.
The blood that was lost.
I gave you a..
blah blah. I don't know!
from a guys point of view.
Inside me, is the stongest girl you'll ever meet.
Inside me, is a heart of gold about to over heat.
Inside me, is a person afraid of defeat.
Through ups and downs,
highs and lows.
Through think and thin,
and well you know.
I told you I'll be there,
and forsure I will.
But now I feel l..
The stars are shinning.
The moon is so bright.
Just hold me tight baby.
Tonight is the night.
That star is moving fast.
Lets wish that we never..
What more do you want from me.
I have nothing left, dont you see.
I've been up and down to prove to you,
That I only need you in my world.
You whe..
not done