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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm a Creative Writing Major college drop out - circumstances beyond my control (hey, they want me to pay to go to college?) Looking to go back, now that I make little enough money to actually qualify for loans... yay for being poor?

Anyway, I aspire to be a fantasy novel writer, first and foremost, though poetry is my strong suit - not my words, I think my poetry sucks, but some people have convinced me otherwise. I am trying to develop a style that tries to be as poignant as Phillip Pullman, as deeply immersed as Tolkein, as engaging as Anne McCafferey. Not that I specifically picked these writers to emulate, but once I came across them, I saw elements in their writing that I had tried to achieve on my own. I speak in allusions and metaphors, so using them to illustrate my own pursuits seemed effective and efficient, if also completely in character.

My weak points are dialog and knowing where to start - I am not a talkative person myself, so writing speech can be challenging. And I develop stories from the endings, but picking the right spot to "zoom" into the world, so to speak, is difficult. My strong points are creating fully-fleshed worlds, original characters and imaginative, illustrative prose.