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Durban, South Africa
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About Me

I am a South African author and poet. My first novel THE SILENT SCREAM is currently getting published in the UK and USA. This was not easy and took several years. But fortunately for me I stumbled upon the right people who walked with me every step of the way without charging one penny. They are there to assist anybody who has talent. This is not an advertisement but a true fact because I do not profit anything by talking about them. I know how hard it is to attract attention, never mind get published and this is why I am talking about them for other talent to find their way to the pressto get published.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I am sorry if I was very quiet to not speak to anybody. Firstly I was busy promoting my book, THE SILENT SCREAM, now launched and released. Secondly I was in a state of shock for awhile when I saw, on the google search engine, how well my book is doing globally. I am still coming to terms with this wonderful surprise which God sent me right at the end of a terrible year.
Will speak soon