streetrose : Writing

Pull Him Close

Pull Him Close

A Poem by streetrose

Pull him closeSavor the momentBefore it endsPull him close Show your feelingsBefore he leavesPull him closeCatch himBefore he falls from your fingerti..
Barbershop Tragedy

Barbershop Tragedy

A Poem by streetrose

The cutting of hair is a horrid thingNo longer will the estranged locks shineThe scent of shampoo still lingersAs shears caress the fine wispsKissing ..


A Poem by streetrose

Racing through youChanging youReshaping youMasking your eyesKissing your scarsHushing your criesEmptying your soulDraining you of lifePutting the piec..
The World Can be Saved With Empathy

The World Can be Saved With Empathy

A Story by streetrose

Despite being young and naive(or maybe due to it), I firmly believe the world we live in can be saved through the practice of empathy. To be more prec..
The Land of Dreams

The Land of Dreams

A Story by streetrose

Throughout our lives, we all dream, sociopaths and cling-ons alike. Dreaming is not simply a human phenomenon, but humans have long held stock in the..
The Tempermental Tempest

The Tempermental Tempest

A Poem by streetrose

An ever-changing storm cloudNever stepping from its pathContinues to keep us in the darkAs we’re stricken by its wrathBut as all majestic tempes..


A Poem by streetrose

Waves crash upon the shorelineSand slips down through an hourglassA breeze rustles the leaves of an aspen treeAn insignificant spark swells to a ragin..

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