The gravel spins under that old truck.The dust flies past,The truck stops.The darkness seeps in.But wait,What is that?A splatter of lightUpon a face.A..
This is a new beginning. Every "old" beginning has a definite end, right? If we are starting a new beginning, then that implies there once was an "ol..
Lord help mein this time of distressthis time of needangerfrustrationsfearit runs through my veinslord help mein this time of distressin this time of ..
Can I say this?Can i really say this?I dont know.or should i say idk?I dont know if i can say this.I dont know if i should say this.Is it the right ti..
A short story writen by me! It's about what I think the world would be like in 2026 if we went completely paperless.
In English I had to make my own mythology story about how the zebra got its stripes. I don't know what to think of it. Tell me your thoughts please?
You take my hand,When I don't need it.You let go,When I need it most.Youe where ther for me,When I was fine.You abandond me,When I needed you.Why were..
"It is the first day of November and so, today, someone most die." This is thelast thing Mr. Jake Whensworth thought of before retreating to work. Ja..
A shiver blowssending cold airup through my spine.I run faster,hearing the dogs coming closer.I find a tree,and climb up its trunk.I stop on a branch...