i look at the flesh on her armsgetting older,say something stupid,think something wonderful..whistle past taverns andgraveyardsand work,smoke some mor..
not quite a foremanon big shiny buildings,not quite foreclosure /pizza deliveryacetylsalicylicassessment(an aspirin),dreams zapatistas,nervous policem..
the menacing sound
of calliopes collapsing -
the mating call of lunatics,
preventative counter-action,
cessation, recovery,
the seeds and their s..
just a hitch up from texas,south-central kansasroutineis slipping one dayfrom the edges of the next,from the bottom of the deck..idle handstin-mannedb..
"i'm up to $40 or $60 a day.."is the bell that rings loudthrough her mountains of speechit ghosts her on the sidewalk,screams above the referee,taps h..
we sit and feel our stomachsgesture wildly toward the plates -a fatal, black-eyed avalancheof country tunesand Japaneseglances past the tempered glass..
WRONG TURNat the corner of My Youthand This Shitdance cards, terminalreality, cynics..internal bleedingand wintersand picnicsand NO F*****G COPSPERMIT..
insomniaA.D.D.B.D.D.O.C.D.restless leg syndrome,the staggers,the bendsintense paranoiawith agoraphobi-a-cute hypochondriac(slitting his wrists)delusio..
daylight's attacking
with emblems and idiots,
life-long commitments,
dental hygienists,
a river's congestion;
inching and vile..
we don't have l..
a broken word,a broken bottle,and a broken man.