Dreaming in the grass,high up on that perfect topographic edge,I sensed a certain temporal suspension.Countless aeons passed,living still as softened ..
note: thoughts of an 11 year old child from UK after a year in Sierra Leone...Tropical light, smiles so bright -mangrove, sea and cotton tree.A time I..
As age draws on I see cause and effectin realms of life that some might neglect.For years I sought my answers without -with no solutions, I started to..
I followed an English rose to the gates of the Sahel;I thought I knew I loved her - I was young and couldn't tell......all so long ago now I don't rec..
A flight of fancy to mystical land,in Arjun' chariot I crossed Ram's bridgeto that cinnamon isle of golden-grained strand- tear of MahabharataOn a pal..
"The engine never made a sound!"- his terminal thought, as he looked round.That crossing place he knew so well,resounded to his final knell.On the sce..
'Life is Love and Love is all Creation.' -words of more than lyric consolation.The heart lies in the place of mind's attention -building worlds of sin..
Hours enthralled by cryptic signs,with ancient tomes and riddled rhymes.Gleaning facts from mystic lores -and still she never sought divorce.On summer..
a true story...Leafy London, garden roses,late one summer's afternoon.No recourse from tragic duty;hope his kids are still at school.Stranger sorrow, ..