Stephen Cousins : Writing

Black Dog

Black Dog

A Story by Stephen Cousins

A stale smell lingers in the humid air. Faded white paint flakes from the walls and ancient cobwebs cling to the wire mesh covering a lonely..


A Story by Stephen Cousins

The light from that fluorescent tube makes the whole bathroom feel soulless. The once white sink is now stained brown and what look like marbl..
My Oasis

My Oasis

A Poem by Stephen Cousins

About being lost and alone with nothing left
My Writing Place

My Writing Place

A Poem by Stephen Cousins

A pantoum about writing
Untitled Haiku

Untitled Haiku

A Poem by Stephen Cousins

Yesterday I died Tomorrow I live again Today, can’t talk, busy
Little One

Little One

A Poem by Stephen Cousins

For my aborted child


A Poem by Stephen Cousins

A series of Haiku


A Poem by Stephen Cousins

An inmate is murdered by a prison officer
Time Passes

Time Passes

A Poem by Stephen Cousins

The evolution of a famous ship

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