Stephanie M : Writing

Dale's Limerick

Dale's Limerick

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a limerick about someone I can't stand.


A Poem by Stephanie M

This is an acrostic poem about my ex-husband.


A Poem by Stephanie M

This is an acrostic poem about my daughter.
Radio Man

Radio Man

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a limerick about a crazy guy I once knew.
FBI Lady

FBI Lady

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a limerick about a crazy woman I once knew.
Yesterday's News

Yesterday's News

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about someone who used to drive me crazy.
River of Blood

River of Blood

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about loss.
Limerick of Kelly

Limerick of Kelly

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a limerick about someone I can't stand.
Limerick of Debbie #2

Limerick of Debbie #2

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a limerick about someone I know.
Debbie and the Duck

Debbie and the Duck

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a limerick about someone I know.