Stephanie M : Writing

Flight of the Misguided

Flight of the Misguided

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about losing your way in life.
Ruined Tower

Ruined Tower

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a fictional place.
Tower of Restless Souls

Tower of Restless Souls

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a fictional place.
Greatest Evil

Greatest Evil

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about evil.
She Who Is Not To Be Named

She Who Is Not To Be Named

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about evil.
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Astral Sea

Astral Sea

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a fictional ocean.
Tomb Within the Woods

Tomb Within the Woods

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a fictional place.
Victim of Circumstance

Victim of Circumstance

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about how life can be sometimes.
Mind of a Child

Mind of a Child

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a troubled child.
I Am

I Am

A Poem by Stephanie M

I got the idea for this poem from watching the "Fight Club."