I expand my wings and bring Robert to Zebul, the Sixth Heaven in our world. There, as Robert said, he would be studying mankind. But first I take him..
I don't like these soul collections. I have this feeling of fear and uncertainty. A feeling of unpredictability. I never know what I am going to expe..
and I walk hand in hand into the bank, smiling and talking as we decide on
where to go fro some lunch, enjoying our vacation. We get ..
I peer around the corner, looking for anyone coming. I detach from the wall and walk down the left corridor, looking behind me periodically for any u..
"Yes I know it is. But you didn't answer my question, why hide in a wooden box?" "It was away from the explosion- human instincts," she says like it'..
Jessica and I follow Vernatain into his home, following suit with the other villagers. I wake my trench coat off and hang it on the arm of a chair, s..
I sit up up, holding my ribs with a light groan. Jessica looks at me, giving me a look that a mother would give a misbehaved child. "What?" "You shou..
I stare at the screen in wonder and disappointment, for I cannot go and walk around and see the wonders of this planet. INstead I have to sit around ..
Jessica runs out behind Roger and kneels down next to me, helping me stand up against the railing. "UGH! I didn't realize how much it hurt. I need to..