Starzee : Writing

The Birds and the Bees

The Birds and the Bees

A Chapter by Starzee

I let myself into the house and dumped my bag in the entryway, staggering down the hall and into the living room. Spotting one of the couches first, I..
Economics Starts With A D

Economics Starts With A D

A Chapter by Starzee

My economics class was uncharacteristically quiet. Usually there was a solid stream of background noise - pencils tapping desks, papers rustling, quie..
A Rat Named Tank

A Rat Named Tank

A Chapter by Starzee

“I still can’t believe he gave you his number,” Courtney said several hours later as we strolled through the mall. I hadn’t pl..
Conquer Thy Fear... Or Not

Conquer Thy Fear... Or Not

A Chapter by Starzee

“Riley!” I marched down the hallway, flinging his bedroom door open. He didn’t even stir, burrowed under his blankets snoring softly..
Breakfast at Irvine's

Breakfast at Irvine's

A Chapter by Starzee

Never had I found myself in such an unusual predicament. Nervous energy had me twisting my fingers in my lap, and fear of accidentally touching the pe..
Attracting Trouble

Attracting Trouble

A Chapter by Starzee

I yanked my locker open savagely, throwing my economics notebook in with more force than necessary. It bounced off the back wall before tumbling out a..
Playing Hooky

Playing Hooky

A Chapter by Starzee

Footsteps sounded down the hall. Riley was up, no doubt getting ready for another busy day at the office. I looked over at the clock on the bedside ta..
Just Another Monday

Just Another Monday

A Chapter by Starzee

A piece of paper was half sticking out of my locker when I approached it on Monday morning. Dread consumed me, even though I hadn’t yet opened i..
The Sick and Injured

The Sick and Injured

A Chapter by Starzee

The door closed behind him with a soft click. I immediately glared at Mel. “Mr. Yummy?” I exclaimed. “You really had to call him Mr...
Winning the Game

Winning the Game

A Chapter by Starzee

It was Friday before Riley let me go back to school. I quickly chucked on a pair of gray skinny jeans and my red hoodie, stuffing my feet into a pair ..