Starzee : Writing



A Chapter by Starzee

“This is kidnapping!” I exclaimed for about the thousandth time. I spat out a stray leaf and some dirt that had somehow made its way into ..
Someone's Watching

Someone's Watching

A Chapter by Starzee

Two days earlier… “Duck!” A wasted word, seeing as whenever anyone heard it they did the exact opposite. I might as well have yelle..


A Book by Starzee

Jacey Nara is about to learn that werewolves to exist, and that she is the daughter of the alpha of the largest pack in Northern America
Mercy Hospital

Mercy Hospital

A Chapter by Starzee

The E.R at Mercy Hospital reeked of antiseptic, the foul odour stinging my nose each time I inhaled. I moved restlessly in the hard plastic chair, una..
Goodbye For Now

Goodbye For Now

A Chapter by Starzee

Fifteen minutes later my hand was heavily wrapped in a bandage. A nurse had been in and out, forcing me to drink three cups of juice and eat four cook..
Making A Statement

Making A Statement

A Chapter by Starzee

“So, what do you think?” Courtney sashayed out of the fitting room and struck a pose in front of me. Clad in a pair of hip-hugging jeans a..
Welcome Home Riley

Welcome Home Riley

A Chapter by Starzee

A crashing sound startled me awake. I bolted out of bed, my heart pounding. What the hell was that? Another crash came from downstairs. Oh, my god. So..
New Arrival

New Arrival

A Chapter by Starzee

“Alright. Settle down.” Mr. Symonds dropped a pile of folders onto his desk before perching on the edge, facing the room at large. I notic..
Stare You Down

Stare You Down

A Chapter by Starzee

By lunch time I was positively fuming. I’d shared two classes with Tyson and he still wasn’t showing any signs of ever having met me befor..
Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate

A Chapter by Starzee

I had been looking forward to World History. It had always been one of my favourite subjects, along with Gym. But when I walked into the classroom, I ..

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