The four nets with Aeryn, Brad, Caleigh, and Kristian inside were being brought up from the cave. As soon as the nets were brought up, a man and woman..
Robert Greason sat in his office working on sketches for Aeryn, Caleigh, Kristian, and Brad to model at his fashion show coming up. He was going to ma..
Robert was
finishing up the last of his collection done so the children could
model the collection for the press. Robert's hope would be for
Caylynn and Veronica were waiting outside the studio for Robert Greason to show up after the fashion show. They wanted to know why he kidnapped their ..
can’t believe it has been 25 years since high school graduation,”
Kara says to Kelly, who she is talking on the phone.
limo driver arrived at Kelly's home with Kara inside. Kara was
escorted out by the limo driver, Stan, as he prefered to be called.
Kara ..
Kara and her friends were about to
enter the pavillion where their 25th reunion from Ronald
Reagan High School where all their classmates would wa..
As Kelly and Max danced, they only had
eyes for each other. Kara was happy for them. But the night was a
complete surprise for Kara. Kelsey All..