The truck arrived with their belongings as Marty unpacked and arranged their new home. Marty logged onto the Internet to look for a job. After scannin..
Marty, Cole and Brianna arrived at the casino and as soon as the maitre' d saw Marty and her children, she escorted them to the private room Zack had ..
“Well, well, well!” Kendall exclaimed. “What do we have here?!”“Kendall, this is a private party.” Zack said. &ldq..
After dinner, Cole had taken Brianna home after insisting that he needed to skype with Starr, Marty and Zack found themselves in Zack’s suite in..
![A Brand New Life: Love, Lust, and Lies in Pine Valley (A Zack & Marty [Zarty] Romance)](https://www.writerscafe.org/images/no_image_s.jpg) |
After the death of her husband, Patrick Thornhart, Marty Saybrooke bids Llanview farewell with her 15-year-old son, Cole Patrick and 3-year-old daught..
Alisha Thompkins falls head-over-heels in love with the new
guy, Hadley Jamison, at school. But due
to competition from her best friend, Chelsea..
“Ciara!” Mrs. Thompkins calls through Ciara’s bedroom door. “It’s time to get up for school!”“Yes, mom, I kn..
“Wow! Who’s the hot
guy!” Chelsea exclaimed as she and Alisha were getting out of her Jeep.
“Chelsea!” Alisha ch..
Alisha was sitting alone at lunch waiting for Chelsea and
Hadley to arrive as agreed. She wanted
to run away when she saw Hadley and Chelsea hol..
“Hadley?” Alisha asked when he woke to find her in his room.
“Alisha?” Hadley said a little groggy from the drugs they