A Soap Mess Stories

A Soap Mess Stories


I'm back! Check out my newmy Alpha romance, An Ill-Fated Alpha Romance, here on writerscafe.org...

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About Me

I am a 58-year-old woman who dabbles in fiction writing as well as true crime stories. I mostly write in the romance genre but have some stories in supernatural/paranormal/mystery/thriller genres.


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Just wanted to say, thank you for reading so many of my poems...♥

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Posted 10 Years Ago

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Sending a splash and wishing you a lovely day :) ♥

mermaid photo: mermaid mermaid-22.jpg

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thanks for putting my writings in your Reading Library, I am humbled you wanted to read them. Thank You! It was a pleasant surprise to see it in my feeds.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Crown Court Censored Rap-Poet (2009-2014) Using urban poetry, I fought back against 'Family Racism' towards my mixed race daughter. Crown court then censored that poetry for five years.

On 1st June, 2014, my poetry censorship will have officially ended. As expected, I shall have lots to say. Your support, thoughts and feedback are much appreciated.

Thank you.

The Elusive Mr Dunne

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Crown Court Censored Rap-Poet (2009-2014) Using urban poetry, I fought back against 'Family Racism' towards my mixed race daughter. Crown court then censored that poetry for five years.

On 1st June, 2014, my poetry censorship will have officially ended. As expected, I shall have lots to say. Your support, thoughts and feedback are much appreciated.

Thank you.

The Elusive Mr Dunne

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Posted 11 Years Ago

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Posted 12 Years Ago


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Posted 12 Years Ago

I am not on facebook at all. I am on twitter so if you need me I am always on my twitter I got way to many emails on facebook

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi, thanks for your friendship.

"Crown Court Censored Poet" (2009-2014)
Using Poetry I fought back against family racism, directed towards my newborn mixed race Daughter. Crown court then censored that poetry for five years.

The Elusive Mr Dunne