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Star Shaped Heart

fulton, MO
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About Me

the happiest broken hearted person i know. i love to socialize and discover people, friend and foe alike. i love to study peoples patterns, behaviors and personality types although you wouldnt know thats what im doing when i invade you. im very intruding when you meet me, i always say too much and if i say nothing im already learning and need not say a word. i wanna know who you are. not from outside appearance cause looks are deceiving and I never judge a book by its cover.i love to counsel and be counseled. and i always remember still waters run deep. take from that what you will. the power of God Almighty-the trinity Christ and Holy Spirit included amaze and blow me away on an almost constant basis. ive witnessed and been a part of many supernatural miracles. ive been high from so many drugs in my life so far yet no drug has ever taken me so high as prayer in my own house. intensity like ive never felt only thought could be possible. to give an illustration... intense fire through my body likened to the heat of love making, laughter and joy as if i were a little girl on a roller coaster ride and amazement as if seeing the ocean for the first time feeling the earth rumble beneath my feet and witnessing with mine eyes the water go on for what looks like forever... a perfect representation of eternity the ocean is and a want for more. i know there is someone here who can relate to this and the other things ive seen and felt that for now remain unspeakable. and always i remain an open book to be studied.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Heya, sweet Tish, thank you so much, :) makes me smile, I wondered where you were but I thought, not every writer is such a WC addict as I am ;) lol.... I was for a long time on facebook, had my own poetry page, (secretly still have) but I became ill, and decided to quit, it was all after the 27th of June this year, my ex-work, at that time work was still there, and nosy as they are watching me, i didn't want to be on, becides, I was not well, as I'm still not good yet, but I try to only keep it up here, more than enough.... there are many ppl on fb who are not on my level, and it's kinda boring, here I find more ppl who are, and where you can communicate with on same interests.
I never forget you too lovely one, cheers on all we have to celebrate yet!!!! hugssss! xo Eli

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I'm happy to find someone who shares a thought and principle of mine :) I'm self-taught also btw...

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Posted 13 Years Ago

well, when I do most of my poetry research, I find most of the stuff I learn from either here:

or I'll use Wikipedia, quite useful than our modern day suck a** education leads us to believe... although do agree it shouldn't be used as a listed reference. but back to poetry, the proper name for the type of poetry I used in "Assertions of the Laden-Bound Mind" is Compound Word... I usually list the type of poetry I'm using in the description

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Posted 13 Years Ago

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the comment on "Calm Extremes Cascading" :) I appreciate it! Most of my work I leave for people to come to their own idea's about what i'm writing about and love to hear all the different theories. So if a piece doesn't make sense, that's ok to. It just tells me that I have room to improve upon!


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for your lovely reviews. Your comments mean a lot.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of gratitude. I now allow this gratitude to fill my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being. This gratitude radiates out from me in all directions, touching everything in my world, and returns to me as more to be grateful for. The more gratitude I feel, the more I am aware that the supply is endless. The use of gratitude makes me feel good, it is an expression of my inner joy. It is a warm fuzzy in my life.

I am grateful for myself and for my body. I am grateful for my ability to see and hear, feel and taste and touch. I am grateful for my home, and I take loving care of it. I am grateful for my family and friends, and I rejoice in their company. I am grateful for my work, and I give it my best at all times. I am grateful for my talents and abilities, and I continually express them in ways that are fulfilling. I am grateful for my income, and I know that I prosper wherever I turn. I am grateful for all my past experiences, for I know that they were part of my soul's growth. I am grateful for all of nature, and I am respectful for every living thing. I am grateful for today, and I am grateful for the tomorrows to come. I am grateful for Life now and forever more.

- Gratitude Prayer by Louise Hay