I drink from a cask of wild, sweet woodBonfire-smoked of Eden's treesJuiced and tart from that Apple's leesPassion's the potion that poisons my blood.
The cigarette is lit, the face is drawn; pen hovers over the white, white sheet, trembling slightly, whilst seconds pass into minutes, minute..
For God says life should be destroyed,
The bounteous kiss, be it forged in love, of any w***e is void
So limbs should be rent from holding flesh
Brief, caught I, the scent of my funeral pyre
Built by those without sense of that cleansing fire
That will have it's revenge on such spare limbs as..
Sang froid is in the literal grave installed
The dust you attempt to shake off is never there,
Unless the spittle dried on hated-face on hated-wall