March 20th, 1921
Katya walked across the courtyard, heading towards the Danville Asylum. The air hung heavy with fog, the clouds overhead a dark g..
This story follows the story of Katya Kazakov, a young nurse working at a poorly run insane asylum during the 1920s, and an aspiring author trespassin..
The musty smell filled my nostrils and the damp air chilled my skin. I laid still, heart beating like a hummingbird’s wings. I could smell eart..
This writing was inspired by Allen Ginsberg, a beats poet.
I would like to thank Tawny and Danielle, two dear friends that helped me write this.
As I stood there, gazing at the green grass swaying in the breeze, I could recall the beautiful chocolate color of her eyes. Her hair was the golden ..
A short love story
The breeze was a gentle one, the leaves in the trees giving a soft rustling sound. It was a pleasant, almost comforting noise accompanied by the chir..