The walls are melting awayInto the overpowering waves of dayBlackened paint is sliding to the floorIts seeping beneath my doorIn threat to suffocate u..
Voices, tender and callousin silence, shoutingThese people of the worldThe ones that Ishamefully discriminateLurking in my eyesan evilIt fills me with..
There have been timesin this worldWhenI have taken possessionof foreign historiesunknowinglySmall imprints struck heavyThis era is soiled and sadThoug..
A memoryis likea salted caramelTears for lossdo not abandonPleasant nostalgiadoes not desertLike a dusky cloudwhen the darkness swallows its colourand..
The dusty twilit skysettlesunder a glimmering crescent moonsoftly kissing the lips of shadowed starsa perfect standstill portraita nighttime canvasa b..
The cordis a tailto the chairIt strings our voicesinto the wallsShadows scream inin twisted shapesThey echoThey echosilent pleasA silencethat shakesou..
Sanguinous soaked handsspattered with juicesof my own heedless desireto dieA heaviness in the air binding my heart to theEarthsoftens slowlyMy old bre..
I knowI am notThe prettiest girl at the ballHoweverWhen your auraWanders closeA piece of meBegins to dance, insideThough my wordsMay not beNimble or f..
An orange glow eruptsfrom behind the mountainous horizonCloud streaks painted across the skylike the canvas of an artist, lostHeavy scent of strong in..