The asphalt is dark, worn, and tornIt is split down the middleA ravine created by constant useHaving to support endless waves of peopleIs stressful an..
Dark, empty, vastThe void beyond earth is nothingDark, cold aloneOut in space there is no lightDark, hopeless, frighteningThe weight oflonelinessis to..
This is a 100 word story. No more, no less. 100 words.
A series of Haiku based on a beautiful painting.
You make me want to throw myselfOff of the overpassAnd seal my fate on the pavement belowThen under the wheels of an oncoming busAnd do you think I'd ..
I am tired of being awakeBut not yet tired enough to sleepI have exhausted being aliveBut am not ready to dieI may be depressedIt is not because off i..
First chapter of the book. We're introduced to one of the protagonists, Duren Thor.
We're introduced to another protagonist, Ruffgar, a barkeep at the local tavern.
We're introduced to our third protagonist, and amnesiac Dark-Elf named Erebus.
Duren and Treabhar set off towards Illfellin to find a way to convince the king that assisting the Elves is necessary.